Paypal Issues

We are currently having issues with our PayPal account which is likely to cause delays with some Paypal orders for the next few weeks.

While this is frustrating for both us and our customers, it is completely unavoidable. Any money paid to our account via PayPal is being held by them for up to 3 weeks because our account is new. 

As the items we provide are made to order, customer payments are made up front in order to pay for materials, supplies, and postage. With PayPal holding funds for up to 3 weeks, this means that there's a delay in us being able to buy the materials, supplies, and postage needed to get customers orders out to them. Some payments/orders may take the full 3 weeks to get to us, whereas others may be much sooner. 

If you would like your order much sooner than this, please consider using one of our alternative methods of payment instead. We accept 'Deposit & Remaining' for selected orders, or bank transfer.

We have queried the security of bank transfers with our bank and have been assured that as we use a specialty business bank account, all of our customers payments are protected.

If at any time you should have an issue and would like to claim a refund with our bank, this should be done by contacting your own bank and requesting a chargeback. Our bank and our business will then be contacted to reverse the payment. 



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